Strength of a Woman!

Strength of a Woman!

L.I.T.E. celebrated the ‘Strength of a Woman’ with the market women of Chugbor Community Old Road. The women told passionate stories of how they have overcome the struggles of motherhood and how they continue to fight for their children. After hearing...

L.I.T.E. Provides PPE for 150 Liberian Families

August 14, 2021, L.I.T.E. (Lifting Individuals Through Education) provided 150 families in Monrovia, Liberia with critical PPE supplies. According to the Liberian Ministry of Health, the deadly Delta variant of Covid-19 caused Liberian cases to go from 90+ cases a...

#100Women #100BagsofRice

Imagine a life where day after day you wake up to find there is still no food. Children crying, lifeless, with no options for nutrients. This is the world many Liberians live each day. Liberia is the 4th poorest country in the world. No adequate education, Ebola...
Walk A Mile

Walk A Mile

Over the July 26th weekend, L.I.T.E. delivered over 300 leather sandals to market women in Old Road Market, Duport Road Market, and Dwazon Market. Each day Monrovia’s market women work 12 hour days with either no shoes, mixed-matched slippers, or very low...